Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2019

Dynamic equilibrium models with efficient computation, and estimation.

My research interests are in the formulation of dynamic equilibrium models, their efficient computation, and their estimation.
Below you can get pdf copies of my papers and codes for reproducing some of the computations involved.

New Items
November 13, 2018. A preliminary version of my paper "Financial Frictions and the Wealth Distribution" with Galo Nuño and Samuel Hurtado can be found here. Note that some of the results reported in the figures are not completely described in the text. The slides are here here
October 9, 2018. We updated our paper "A Practical Guide to Parallelization in Economics" here to include the new Julia 1.0 parallelization syntax. The Github repository: here is also updated.
September 15, 2018. An interview about my research published at Econ Focus, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, can be found here.
September 11, 2018. The paper "Cryptocurrencies: A Crash Course in Digital Monetary Economics" can be found here. Una traducción al español aquí.
August 27, 2018. A new paper "The Lack of European Productivity Growth: Causes and Lessons for the U.S." with Lee Ohanian can be found here.
April 22, 2018. A new paper "A Practical Guide to Parallelization in Economics" here. An easy-to-follow guide of what you need to know to start coding in parallel in economics. It comes with a Github repository: here. Download and fork the codes!
March 22, 2018. An update on the computations on "A Comparison of Programming Languages" here with the results for new versions of each language. Bottom line: Matlab and R have improved a lot, Python is still awful, and Julia rocks!
February 10, 2018. A short paper on the economics of minimum wage regulations here.
July 25, 2017. A paper with Thorsten Drautzburg and Pablo Guerron-Quintana on the importance of political risk and bargaining shocks to understand aggregate fluctuations can be found here.
July 9, 2017. An updated version of my paper with Daniel Sanches on currency competiton among privately issued at currencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum can be found here. Also, a short companion paper summarizing some of the findings can be found here.
July 4, 2017. A paper on how institutions and party systems are affected by the euro with Tano Santos can be found here.
May 6, 2017. A paper on safe assets with Robert Barro, Oren Levintal, and Andrew Mollerus can be found here.
December 28, 2016. A paper on the effects of labor market regulations can be found here.
April 21, 2016. The paper "The Pruned State-Space System for Non-Linear DSGE Models: Theory and Empirical Applications

," joint with Martin Andreasen and Juan Rubio-Ramirez has been updated with a new empirical application and a few more results regarding GIRFs. The new copy is here: here. A detailed technical appendix is here. Codes for Dynare 4.4: here.
February 6, 2016. A new paper with Oren Levintal on the computation of models with rare disasters can be found here. Companion code here.
December 30, 2015. My chapter on solution and estimation methods for DSGE models for the Handbook of Macroeconomics (joint with Juan Rubio-Ramirez and Frank Schorfheide) can be found here.
September 20, 2015. A brief paper "Magna Carta, the Rule of Law, and the Limits on Government," written for a conference celebrating the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta can be found here.

Joint with Juan Rubio-Ramirez and Frank Schorfheide.

Joint with Pablo Guerron-Quintana and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.

Dynamic Macroeconomics
Joint with Thorsten Drautzburg and Pablo Guerron-Quintana.

Joint with Robert Barro, Oren Levintal, and Andrew Mollerus.

Joint with Daniel Sanches.
A short companion paper summarizing some of the findings can be found here

Joint with Philippe Aghion and Ufuk Akcigit.

Joint with Grey Gordon, Pablo Guerron, and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Pablo Guerron and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Keith Kuester, Pablo Guerron and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Pablo Guerron-Quintana and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.


Joint with Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Pablo Guerron-Quintana and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Jules van Binsbergen, Ralph Koijen, and Juan Rubio-Ramirez.

An extended version of the model can be found here.

Joint with Pablo Guerron-Quintana, Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez, and Martin Uribe.

Joint with Jeremy Greenwood and Nezih Guner.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez, Tom Sargent, and Mark Watson.
The older (and longer) working paper version is here.

Joint with Dirk Krueger.

Joint with Dirk Krueger.
Here you can find the technical appendix of the paper with further details about our estimation.

Joint with Aleh Tsyvinski.

These notes present further discussion of several aspects of "Was Malthus Right? Economic Growth and Population Dynamics". They should be read following each particular section of the main paper.

Joint with the late Arijit Mukherji.

Joint with Cesar Alonso-Borrego and Jose E. Galdon.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with David Zarruk Valencia.
Github repository: here

Joint with S. Boragan Aruoba and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.
Click on this link to go to the companion web page where you can find the codes used in this paper.

Joint with Oren Levintal.
Companion code here.

Joint with S. Boragan Aruoba.
Click on this link to get the codes used in this paper.

Joint with Eric Aldrich, Ron Gallant, and Juan Rubio-Ramirez

Joint with Dario Caldara, Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez, and Yao Wen.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.
Mathematica Notebook to compute the optimal change of variables.

Joint with Francisco Barillas.
Fortran Code to compute the models describe in the paper using the Endogenous Grid Method and Value function iteration.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.
This note, which appears in the newsletter of the Review of Economic Dynamics, fall 2006, describes our agenda on the estimation of DSGE Models. We discuss our different papers and explain how they fit together.

Joint with Martin Andreasen and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.
A detailed technical appendix is here. Codes for Dynare 4.4: here.

Joint with Pablo Burriel and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.
The technical appendix offers further details in some aspects of the paper.

Here you can find a simple example of how to use a Sequential Monte Carlo to evaluate the likelihood function of a nonlinear and non-normal process.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.

Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez.

Also, NBER Working Paper version, with more details.
Joint with Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez and Manuel Santos.

Joint with Lee Ohanian.

Joint with Tano Santos.

Joint with Luis Garicano and Tano Santos.

Joint with Lee Ohanian.

Law and Economics, Policy Papers, Economic History

Health Care (a proposal for reform, published in "The Thriving Society: On The Social Conditions of Human Flourishing").

An interview about my views of the relation between economics and history that came out in Politikon (sorry, in Spanish).

OpenSees & OpenSeesPL

OpenSees, the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, is an object-orientedopen source software framework. It allows users to create both serial and parallel finite elementcomputer applications for simulating the response of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes and other hazards. OpenSees is primarily written in C++ and uses several Fortranand C numerical libraries for linear equation solving, and material and element routines. The framework WILL BE covered in the developers section.
The goal of the OpenSees development is to improve the modeling and computational simulation in earthquake engineering through:
1.    new open-source code development
2.    education
3.    community discussion
A number of simple applications are provided to introduce new users and non-programmers to the OpenSees framework. All these applications are interpreters and they allow users to perform finite element analysis using a simple yet powerful scripting language. The analysis can look like plain text input files or they can be complex programs. It's up to the skills of the user. These applications are covered in theusers section.
OpenSees Resources
OpenSees has two different classes of user and the information contained herein is similarly split:
1.    OpenSees User
The funding for the development and maintenance of the core OpenSees code was initially provided by the NSF-sponsored Pacific Earthquake Engineering (PEER) Center. Funding is currently provided by the NSF sponsored George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES).
OpenSeesPL – 3D Lateral Pile-Ground Interaction
OpenSeesPL is a PC-based graphical pre- and post-processor (user-interface) for three dimensional (3D) ground and ground-structure response. The 3D Finite Element (FE) computations are conducted using OpenSees developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER). The analysis options available in OpenSeesPL* include (please see Example Input Files): 1) Pushover Analysis, 2) Mode Shape Analysis and 3) Base Input Acceleration Analysis.

OpenSeesPL is recently re-written in Microsoft .NET Framework (WPF or Windows Presentation Foundation). OpenTK (OpenGL) library is used for visualization of FE mesh and OxyPlot is employed for x-y plotting.

*Lu, J., Elgamal, A., and Yang, Z. (2011). OpenSeesPL: 3D Lateral Pile-Ground Interaction, User Manual, Beta 1.0.
Also, check the publications below for examples of different pile, footing, embedded structure, pile group, and ground modification scenarios:
§  Elgamal, A., Lu, J., Yang, Z., and Shantz, T. (2009). Scenario-focused three-dimensional computational modeling in geomechanics, Alexandria, Egypt, 4 iYGEC’09 – Proc. 4th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (2 – 6 October), ISSMGE [View PDF File]
§  Elgamal, A., Lu, J., and Forcellini, D., “Mitigation of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Deformation in a Sloping Stratum: Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 11, November, 1672-1682, 2009.
§  Lu, J., Elgamal, A., Yan, L., Law, K. and Conte, J.P., “Large Scale Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, Vol. 11, No. 6, December, 490-503, 2011.
§  Nguyen, T., Rayamajhi, D., Boulanger, R., Ashford, S., Lu, J., Elgamal, A., and Shao, L., “Design of DSM Grids for Liquefaction Remediation” J. Geotech Geoenviron. Engng, ASCE, Volume 139, Issue 11, 1923-1933, November 2013.
§  Rayamajhi, D., Nguyen, T., Ashford, S., Boulanger, R., Lu, J., Elgamal, A., and Shao, L., “Numerical Study of Shear Stress Distribution for Discrete Columns in Liquefiable Soils, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 9 pp., Volume 140, Issue 3, March 2014.

Click here to see additional related references.
Click here to see example input files.

Download & Install OpenSeesPL

Note: OpenSeesPL only works on Windows based PC computers. It is best to use a relatively new Laptop or Desktop with a fast processor, and at least 2GB of memory.

The following steps describe how to download, install and run OpenSeesPL. For detailed documentation, please see the User Manual (3.2 MB pdf file, 
updated Dec. 2011). In addition, a few demo examples are available at the Examplespage.
Step 1: Install Tcl

If you have not installed Tcl/Tk on your computer, please download the Tcl/Tk 8.5 installation file below and double-click to install it (OpenSees employs Tcl 8.5). You only need to do this step once for a given PC.
Step 2: Install OpenSeesPL (Nonlinear pile option recently added!)
Please download the installation file from the link below, and then double-click on the icon and follow the simple installation instructions (you may wish to visit this site periodically to check for updates).
(Note that we’re using 64-bit OpenSees and Tcl for the 64-bit version of OpenSeesPL):
Download OpenSeesPL (Edu Version, 64-bit) 8 MB
(Edu Version 2.7.5, updated 1/11/2019; This version is based on a major update. As such, we sincerely appreciate any feedback or observations about its operation)
OpenSeesPL Beta 2.0 (and later versions) is written in Microsoft .NET Framework. You may need to install Microsoft .NET Framework if OpenSeesPL is not running.
Download .NET Framework 4.5

1) In this Edu Version, the total number of soil elements must be less than 50 for Pile Group, Outermost Zone, or Piled Raft scenarios. Otherwise, analysis will not be executed and result will not be displayed either. Please click the links below to download sample models for Pile Group, Outermost Zone, and Piled Raft Option, respectively:
Pile Group Simple Mesh Outermost Zone Simple Mesh Piled Raft Simple Mesh
2) The model files (*.opl) created with versions earlier than Beta 2.0 will not be compatible with Beta 2.0 (or later versions) since the data structure of the model input has been re-organized. The user is encouraged to re-build his/her models in the new version of OpenSeesPL if that’s the case. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Step 3: Run OpenSeesPL

1) After installing the software on your computer, double-click the OpenSeesPL icon to start.

2) To conduct a pushover analysis, click Pushover Analysis in the main window. To conduct earthquake motion analysis, click Single Motion Analysis. For the default mesh, a typical Pushover analysis will be performed in less than 1 minute, and a typical earthquake simulation will consume about 5 – 10 minutes.

3) To open an existing model, click File in Menu and then click Open Model to open a model (the model file must have an extension of .opl).

4) Click Execute in Menu and then click Save Model & Run Analysis to conduct the finite element simulation.

5) Click Display in Menu and then click corresponding menu item to view the result.
Step 4: Download OpenSeesPL User Manual

OpenSeesPL User Manual (3.2 MB pdf file, 
updated Dec. 2011)

OpenSees Development

Workshops and Monthly Meetings

·         20 July 2016 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         17 August 2016 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         21 September 2016 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         19 October 2016 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         11 April 2017 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         09 May 2017 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         13 June 2017 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         11 July 2017 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
·         08 August 2017 - Webconference - Community discussion for QuakeCoRE OpenSees research
OpenSees Tools

Downloading and Setting-Up OpenSees on Windows and Mac OS X: Step-by-step instructions
OpenSees and Other Useful Links

OpenSees homepage:
OpenSees Wiki (command manual, examples, and more):
Instructions for anonymous SVN access:
GiD Pre- and Post-Processing Tool:
2016 OpenSees Student Innovation Prizes

We are pleased to announce the winners for the first annual QuakeCoRE OpenSees Student Innovation Prize Competition. Two $500 prizes were awarded in conjunction with the 2016 QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting recognizing significant earthquake engineering research that has been undertaken using the OpenSees finite element analysis platform. The winning submissions were those that best fit the judging criteria of “the most significant and/or practically-useful contribution to earthquake engineering analysis using OpenSees.”
2016 QuakeCoRE OpenSees Student Innovation Prize Winners:
Ericson Encina Zuniga (University of Auckland) - Ericson developed a number of tools to facilitate the modeling beam elements using fibre section models to define the cross-sectional response in OpenSees. These tools include Excel sheets that allow the user to easily understand and define the geometric properties of the fibre section models and to interactively define the uniaxial constitutive models for the concrete and reinforcing steel portions of the section, as well as a series of tcl procedures to aid in recording information from the fibre sections during analysis and to automatically troubleshoot convergence issues. The files and tools developed by Ericson are available here.
James Maguire (University of Wollongong and University of Auckland) - James created a 3D visualisation tool in python that can be used to examine the deformed shape of an OpenSees model. This tool pulls the nodal coordinates from the OpenSees model file and reads the displacements from the recorded output. James' visualisation tool can be used to create interactive plots for 3D models via a series of slider that allow the user to increase/decrease the deformation magnification scale, change the camera viewpoint, and incrementally cycle through the time steps for a dynamic analysis. The visualisation tool developed by James is available here. The text file _ModelVisualiser description_.txt  provides an overview of the tool and describes the python packages needed to run it.


Bài viết liên quan
  1. What is OpenSee
  2. OpenSee 2012 - Practice of Nonlinear Response History Analysis
  3. Run OpenSees, Link2
  4. Read External files
  5. BuildingTcl & BuildingTclViewer
  6. OpenSees User
  7. Discovering OpenSees
  8. OpenSeesDays2011
  9. Questions related to OpenSEES
  10. Discovering OpenSees: Getting Started with OpenSees
  11. Geotechnical Elements and Models in OpenSees - OpenSees Days 2013 
  12. Examples - OpenSees;  (Advanced) Example manuals; Basic Examples Manual ; Sensitivity Analysis