Open source codes:
eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) in Matlab
(4465 downloads). link.
eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) in C++
(1891 downloads). link.
Element Free Galerkin Method (EFG) in Matlab
(2086 downloads). link.
Isogeometric analysis for solids and structures
in Matlab (12450 downloads). link.
Zero thickness interface element generators in
C++ (975 downloads). link.
Research facilities:
Software development kit for advanced numerical
simulations (jem-jive). link.
Mesh generation--Gmsh.
Visualisation--Paraview and VisIt.
Voronoi diagrams--Neper.
Material Point Method code in Matlab
FENICS: automating the
finite element methods
Symbolic algebra packages--Maple/SageMath.
From images to FE meshes: oof2.
Commercial codes: Abaqus, LS-DYna, Tecplot
Tool for coding: SublimeText, and
XCode (for debugging and profiling) + iTerm2 (with zsh)
I have been using LaTeX for writing reasearch
articles/reports/documents since 2003. I use Microsoft Word only for proposals.
For presentation slides, I use Keynote and LaTeXIt (on
Mac OS).
Document writing: LaTeX (TexShop+Flashmode, Texpad, and SublimeText)
Graphics: vector graphics with Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.
Finding LaTeX codes for any symbols: detexify.
Make animated GIF images from videos/images: in
Mac OS X, simply use GIF Brewery 3 (you might need to use Quick View to convert
format of your videos first). In Linux, you can use ffmpeg.
Making tables with
Blog of Prof Rebecca Brannon at Univerisity of
Utah: excellent
notes on mechanics .
web for mechanics and mechanicians
Excellent lecture notes of Prof Fellipa at
Colorado: introduction
to FEM, nonlinear
FEM, advanced FEM
courses on computational science & engineering (Prof G Strang)
MIT course on waves and
MIT course on linear
finite elements (Prof KJ Bathe)
course on nonlinear finite elements
online book on Computational physics
Linux in 10 minutes
on Abaqus
· (with
useful info on computational modelling)