- Introduction
1.1 Preliminary Remarks
1.2 Review of Taylor Series - Floating-Point Representation and Errors
2.1 Floating-Point Representation
2.2 Loss of Significance - Locating Roots of Equations
3.1 Bisection Method
3.2 Newton's Method
3.3 Secant Method - Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation
4.1 Polynomial Interpolation
4.2 Errors in Polynomial Interpolation
4.3 Estimating Derivatives and Richardson Extrapolation - Numerical Integration
5.1 Lower and Upper Sums
5.2 Trapezoid Rule
5.3 Romberg Algorithm - Additional Topics on Numerical Integration
6.1 Simpson's Rule and Adaptive Simpson's Rule
6.2 Gaussian Quadrature Formulas - Systems of Linear Equations
7.1 Naive Gaussian Elimination
7.2 Gaussian Elimination with Scaled Partial Pivoting
7.3 Tridiagonal and Banded Systems - Additional Topics on Systems of Linear Equations
8.1 Matrix Factorizations
8.2 Iterative Solution of Linear Systems
8.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
8.4 Power Methods - Approximation by Spline Functions
9.1 First-Degree and Second-Degree Splines
9.2 Natural Cubic Splines
9.3 B Splines: Interpolation and Approximation - Ordinary Differential Equations
10.1 Taylor Series Methods
10.2 Runge-Kutta Methods
10.3 Stability, Adaptive Runge-Kutta Methods, and Multistep Methods - Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
11.1 Methods for First-Order Systems
11.2 Higher-Order Equations and Systems
11.3 Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Methods - Smoothing of Data and the Method of Least Squares
12.1 Method of Least Squares
12.2 Orthogonal Systems and Chebyshev Polynomials
12.3 Other Examples of the Least Squares Principle - Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation
13.1 Random Numbers
13.2 Estimation of Areas and Volumes by Monte Carlo Techniques
13.3 Simulation - Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations
14.1 Shooting Method
14.2 A Discretization Method - Partial Differential Equations
15.0 Some Partial Differential Equations from Applied Problems
15.1 Parabolic Problems
15.2 Hyperbolic Problems
15.3 Elliptic Problems - Minimization of Multivariate Functions
16.1 One-Variable Case
16.2 Multivariate Case - Linear Programming
17.1 Standard Forms and Duality
17.2 Simplex Method
17.3 Approximate Solution of Inconsistent Linear Systems
C3 C6 C7
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