(Source: mycourses.aalto.fi)
The course starts on Wednesday the 2nd of November with a rather long day full of Finite Elements. Please be there at 8:30, as we will discuss important issues related to course structure, grading, course organisation, exams and similar.
We will use primarily the Zienkiewicz, Taylor & Zhu book: "The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals", 7th edition. It is available in the library. Occasionally we will also use material from the Vol 2. of the book, that is The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics. The previous editions of the book are also available in the library: 6th edition Vol 1, 6th edition Vol 2 , 5th edition Vol 1. and Vol 2.
Generally if you happen to have older edition of the books, it is also useful.
We will not cover the whole book during the course - it is more of a reference than a textbook. Additionally, during the course we will often talk about issues which are a bit more practical and more relevant to application and to geomechanics - which may not be included in the books above.
Most other books on Finite Element Method are fine - and there is a wealth of books on FEM both in Aalto library and elsewhere.
The book selected is perhaps a bit traditional, but an accurate and rigorous source of information is useful. On the other hands lectures and especially exercises will be more oriented towards giving you the understanding of the numerical methods and to focus on most important aspects (as well as common mistakes) of Finite Element Method in design.